Article for CBHS: ‘The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors’

Late in 2015 I was invited to contribute to an article for CBHS Health Fund on how yoga can benefit Seniors.

The article, The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors, is now available for all those interested in yoga for Seniors. It details:

  • The benefits of yoga
  • Different types (that is styles or traditions) of yoga that are appropriate for Seniors, and
  • Different poses that would be beneficial for Seniors

The team collating the article talked to yoga instructors, yoga practitioners and doctors, and researched the common types of yoga.

I found it interesting to read how different teachers approach yoga for Seniors, and I think it reflects the variety of yoga styles available and how accessible yoga is for different levels of fitness and different personalities.

If you know someone who wants to know more about yoga for Seniors or is wondering how yoga can help them, please share The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors.

The Benefits of Yoga for Seniors